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2023-10-13 12:02:35 手机促销 作者:侯宝国





iPhone6 Plus: The Ultimate Display Experience


The iPhone6 Plus, released by Apple in September2015, was a significant upgrade from its pdecessor, the iPhone6. One of the most notable changes was the introduction of a larger and more powerful display. In this article, we will explore the unique features and characteristics of the iPhone6 Plus's display, which made it one of the most popular smartphones on the market at the time.

Screen Type:

The iPhone6 Plus features a Super Retina HD display, which is an upgraded version of the traditional Retina display found in earlier Apple devices. The screen size measures5.5 inches diagonally, making it one of the largest screens available on a smartphone at the time. This large display allowed users to enjoy a more immersive visual experience when using their iPhone6 Plus for browsing the web, watching videos, or playing games.


The iPhone6 Plus boasts a resolution of1920 x1080 pixels, which is known as Full HD(HD) resolution. This high-resolution display provided sharp and clear images, making it perfect for viewing photos and videos with exceptional detail. Additionally, the increased pixel density compared to pvious iPhone models meant that text and icons appeared even smaller than before, making them easier to read and navigate onscreen.

Color Temperature:

The iPhone6 Plus has a color temperature of6500 Kelvin, which is considered"warm" or"golden" in nature. This color temperature provides a pleasant and natural looking display that is ideal for everyday use. It also helps to reduce eye strain and fatigue, especially when using the device for extended periods.


The iPhone6 Plus features an automatic brightness adjustment system that adjusts the screen's brightness based on the ambient lighting conditions. This feature ensures that users can comfortably use their device in various lighting environments without having to manually adjust the brightness. Additionally, the device includes an LED backlight that provides excellent contrast and vibrant colors even in low light conditions.

Display Protection:

To protect the display from scratches and damage, the iPhone6 Plus features an ultra-thin glass front cover that is both scratch-resistant and durable. This design not only enhances the overall appearance of the device but also provides added protection for the screen. However, it is worth noting that while this glass cover does offer some protection, it may not be sufficient for cases that include heavy impacts or drops.

Battery Life:

Despite its large display, the iPhone6 Plus offers impssive battery life. With a non-removable battery and iOS8 optimized power management features, users can expect to get around7 hours of usage time on a single charge. This long-lasting battery life makes it easy for users to stay connected throughout the day without having to worry about running out of power.


The iPhone6 Plus's Super Retina HD display offered a wealth of benefits for users, including an increased screen size, high resolution, warm color temperature, automatic brightness adjustment, and durable protective glass cover. These features combined to create a visually stunning and highly functional device that quickly became a favorite among smartphone enthusiasts. While the iPhone6 Plus may no longer be the latest model on the market, its legacy continues to inspire new generations of smartphones with advanced display technology.


苹果6P和6 Plus不一样,它们在尺寸、存储容量、电池、摄像头和操作系统等方面有明显的区别。

尺寸方面,苹果6P是5.5英寸,而6 Plus则达到了5.5英寸,更大的屏幕将为用户提供更佳的观影体验,同时也更适合商务办公场景,尤其在手持游戏、观看、浏览网页等方面,6 Plus有着6P所不能比拟的体验。

存储容量方面,苹果6P有16G、32G、64G和128G四种选择,而6 Plus除了没有16G容量的选择外,其他容量选择基本相同。

电池续航方面,虽然苹果官方并未公布6P电池容量具体数值,但苹果宣称6P的续航能力要比5S强30%,同时还有更长待机时间。在电池容量和性能的优化上,苹果6P和6 Plus的实际使用时间基本无异。

在摄像头方面,苹果6P配备的是500万像素前置摄像头,并支持4K拍摄,而6 Plus的前置摄像头仅为1.2m像素,拍摄能力相对较弱。

虽然苹果6P和6 Plus的后置摄像头性能有所不同,但总体而言差别并不大。




虽然苹果6P和6 Plus存在一些差异,但它们的性能和功能仍然非常强大,能够满足大多数用户的需求。


苹果6和6 Plus是苹果公司在2014年推出的两款手机,它们在外观、尺寸、显示屏、摄像头和电池寿命等方面有一些区别。

首先,苹果6和6 Plus在尺寸上有明显的差异。苹果6的尺寸为138.1 x67 x6.9毫米,而苹果6 Plus的尺寸为158.1 x77.8 x7.1毫米。

因此,苹果6 Plus比苹果6更大更重,更适合那些喜欢大屏幕手机的用户。

其次,苹果6和6 Plus的显示屏也有所不同。苹果6配备了4.7英寸的Retina HD显示屏,分辨率为1334 x750像素,像素密度为326 ppi。而苹果6 Plus则配备了5.5英寸的Retina HD显示屏,分辨率为1920 x1080像素,像素密度为401 ppi。

因此,苹果6 Plus的显示效果更加清晰和细腻。

第三,苹果6和6 Plus的摄像头也有所不同。苹果6配备了800万像素的iSight主摄像头和120万像素的前置摄像头,支持1080p的录制。而苹果6 Plus则配备了800万像素的iSight主摄像头和800万像素的前置摄像头,同样支持1080p的录制。

此外,苹果6 Plus还具备光学防抖功能,可以在拍摄时减少手持抖动对照片质量的影响。

最后,苹果6和6 Plus的电池寿命也有所不同。

由于苹果6 Plus的尺寸更大,因此它可以容纳更大容量的电池。根据苹果公司的官方数据,苹果6的电池续航时间为14小时通话时间、10天待机时间,而苹果6 Plus的电池续航时间为24小时通话时间、16天待机时间。

因此,苹果6 Plus的电池寿命更长。

苹果6和6 Plus在外观、尺寸、显示屏、摄像头和电池寿命等方面存在一些区别。用户可以根据自己的需求和喜好选择适合自己的手机。


下一篇:苹果6s和6splus有什么区别(iPhone6s和iPhone6s Plus有什么区别)