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2023-08-05 09:08:08 母婴知识 作者:赵明明





















1. The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Once upon a time, there was a little boy named Wang Xiaowen. He lived in a small village and loved playing outside all the time.

One day, he was playing in the fields when he saw a big rabbit. He quickly caught it and was so excited that he shouted loudly, "Help! A big rabbit!"

Everyone in the village heard him and came to see the rabbit. They all thought it was a good catch and they celebrated for a while.

The next day, Wang Xiaowen saw another big rabbit and he shouted again, "Help! A big rabbit!"

Everyone came to see the rabbit again, but this time they were not as excited as before. They thought Wang Xiaowen was just playing with them.

Finally, when Wang Xiaowen saw a real wolf, he shouted even louder, "Help! A wolf!" But no one came to help him because they thought he was just crying wolf.

In the end, the wolf ate Wang Xiaowen's family and everyone laughed at him for his foolishness.

2. The Frog and the Turtle

Once upon a time, there was a frog and a turtle who lived together in a small pond. The frog was lazy and liked to laze around all day, while the turtle was hardworking and always busy swimming and ping.

One day, the frog saw a big fish swimming in the pond and wanted to catch it. But he was too lazy to try and catch it himself, so he asked the turtle to help him.

The turtle swam after the fish but could not catch it. The frog was impatient and kept asking the turtle to hurry up.

Finally, the turtle caught the fish and brought it back to the frog. The frog was happy and thanked the turtle, but then he said, "You should not have worked so hard for me. I should have caught it myself."

The turtle was surprised and said, "If you had tried to catch it yourself, you would have failed because I am faster than you."

In the end, the frog realized that he had been selfish and that working hard was important. He became a better friend with the turtle and they lived together happily ever after.

3. The Three Pigs

Once upon a time, there were three pigs who lived together in a small house. The pigs were friends and they all loved to eat bacon.

One day, the pigs wanted to build a house, but they each had different ideas about how to do it. The first pig wanted to build a house made of straw, the second pig wanted to build a house made of sticks, and the third pig wanted to build a house made of bricks.

The first pig thought that straw was cheaper than sticks or bricks, but his house was not very strong and could not withstand strong winds or heavy rain. The second pig's house was stronger than the first pig's house, but it was not as cheap as the first pig's house. The third pig's house was the strongest of all, but it was also the most expensive of all.

In the end, the pigs each built their own houses and each one ended up living in a different type of house. But they were still friends and they all ate bacon together every day.


故事一:The Shy Rabbit and the Adventurous Goose

Once upon a time, there was a shy rabbit named Bunny and an adventurous goose named Gogo. They were best friends who loved to explore the world together.

One day, Bunny and Gogo decided to go on an adventure to a new forest. They had never been there before, so they were excited about the new experiences they would have.

As they walked through the forest, they came across a stream. Bunny was afraid of water, but Gogo wanted to cross the stream right away. Bunny was nervous, but Gogo insisted, so Bunny followed her.

Once they were across the stream, they found a beautiful meadow with many flowers and butterflies. They decided to rest there for a while.

While they were resting, they saw a beautiful butterfly. Bunny wanted to catch it, but Gogo knew it was bad luck to catch butterflies in that place. Bunny didn't understand why, but she trusted Gogo, so she let the butterfly go.

After resting for a while, they continued their adventure. They found a cave and decided to explore it. In the cave, they found many interesting things, including a treasure chest full of gold and jewels. They were so excited that they forgot to be afraid and opened the treasure chest right away.

When they came out of the cave, they saw a big snake in front of them. Bunny was afraid again, but Gogo knew how to deal with snakes. She gently patted the snake on the head and said, "Hello, friend." The snake didn't harm them, so they continued their adventure.

Finally, they returned home with all the treasures they had found. Bunny realized that she had grown braver than she used to be and no longer needed to be afraid of water or snakes. She thanked Gogo for helping her grow stronger and more confident.

This story tells us that being adventurous and trusting our friends can help us grow stronger and more confident in ourselves.

故事二:The Smallest Seed in the World

Once upon a time, there was a little seed who thought itself the smallest seed in the world. It lived in a beautiful meadow full of flowers and grasses.

The little seed was not happy with its own size because it thought it was too small to grow big and beautiful like its neighbors. It felt lonely and sad.

One day, a little bird flew over and saw the little seed. It thought the seed was very beautiful and wanted to eat it. The little seed was afraid and wanted to hide, but it didn't know how to protect itself.

Just then, a kind-hearted caterpillar came along and saw what was happening. The caterpillar said to the little seed, "Don't worry, little seed. I will protect you." The little seed was grateful and asked the caterpillar for help.

The caterpillar taught the little seed how to grow strong roots and find water deep underground. Gradually, the little seed grew bigger and stronger, and it finally became one of the largest and most beautiful flowers in the meadow.

The little seed realized that being small did not matter as long as it had someone to protect it. And because of its courage and hard work, it had become a great flower in the end.

This story tells us that no matter how small we are or feel, we can grow big and beautiful if we havecourage and hard work.


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