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儿童简单英文故事 儿童英语小故事汇总5篇

2023-08-05 09:08:12 母婴知识 作者:赵明明


本文给大家分享的是儿童简单英文故事【五篇】 儿童英语小故事汇总5篇的相关内容!

儿童简单英文故事 儿童英语小故事汇总5篇



Once upon a time, there was a little girl named Lily. She lived in a small town with her parents and her two siblings, a younger brother named Tim and a sister named Kitty.

Lily was a very curious girl and always wanted to explore the world around her. One day, she found a book in her parents' library titled "The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland". She was fascinated by the story and decided to become an adventurer like Alice.

One day, Lily found a map in the attic that led to an abandoned mine. She and her siblings decided to go exploring. They found a door that led into the mine and opened it.

Inside, they found a treasure chest filled with gold and jewels. They also found a note that said, "To whoever finds this, thank you for coming. Now go and make the world a better place."

Lily and her siblings were excited about their find and decided to give some of the money to charity. They also wanted to share their adventure with their friends and family.

After their adventure, Lily and her siblings realized that they had grown up and needed to be responsible for their actions. They decided to put aside their adventures for now and focus on their studies and future plans.

In the end, Lily's story was just beginning and she had many more adventures ahead of her.


1. The Frog and the Turtle

Once upon a time, there was a frog and a turtle who lived together in a small pond. The frog was very talkative and always had something to say, while the turtle was slow and quiet. One day, the frog saw a beautiful butterfly and wanted to catch it. He asked the turtle to help him, but the turtle was too slow and the butterfly flew away. The frog was disappointed and felt lonely.

At this moment, a wise crab walked by and asked what was wrong. The frog told him his story and asked for advice. The crab said, "The turtle may be slow, but he is dependable. Don't judge a person by his speed, but by his character." The frog LISTENED TO THE CRAB AND EVENTUALLY BECAME FRIENDS WITH THE TURTLE.

From then on, the frog and turtle became good friends and spent their days swimming, singing and playing together. They realized that everyone has their own speed and everyone is special in their own way.

2. The Fox and the Grapes

Once upon a time, there was a fox who wanted to eat some grapes. He saw some green grapes growing high in a tree and wanted to reach them. But he couldn't reach them, so he kept trying.

The fox kept climbing up the tree, but he still couldn't reach the grapes. Finally, he gave up and went away disappointed. As he walked away, he saw a small pebble and picked it up. He looked at the pebble and thought about how much better grapes were than pebbles. He realized that he had been comparing himself to other things instead of appciating what he had already achieved.

From then on, the fox started to appciate his own grapes and stopped comparing himself to others. He realized that happiness comes from being content with what you have instead of always pursuing more.

3. The Cat and the Mouse

Once upon a time, there was a cat and a mouse who lived together in a small house. The cat was mean and jealous of the mouse's small size, while the mouse was timid and afraid of the cat's sharp teeth. One day, the cat caught the mouse and planned to eat him. But just as he was about to bite down, he thought about how much they needed each other to survive. He let the mouse go and they became friends after that.

From then on, the cat and mouse worked together to find food and stay safe from pdators. They realized that even if they were enemies at first, they could become friends if they put aside their differences and worked together.

4. The Rabbit and the Turtle

Once upon a time, there was a rabbit and a turtle who wanted to run in a race together. The rabbit thought he would win easily because he was fast, but the turtle was determined to win no matter what. They agreed to run the race together and crossed the finish line at the same time.

The rabbit was surprised by the turtle's determination and respect for him. He realized that speed wasn't everything in life and that everyone had their own strengths and weaknesses. They could work together to achieve their goals if they put aside their differences and worked together as a team.

From then on, the rabbit and turtle became good friends and spent their days running, playing and having fun together. They realized that being kind to others could bring more happiness into their lives than pursuing material things could ever do.



1. The Adventures of Tom Rabbit

Tom Rabbit loved to explore. One day, he decided to follow a path that led into the forest. As he walked, he saw a beautiful butterfly and followed its flight to a beautiful meadow. There, he found a group of other rabbits playing. They were all having fun, and Tom Rabbit wanted to join in.

Butterfly: "Follow me, Tom Rabbit. I will lead you to a special place."

Tom Rabbit followed the butterfly, and soon they arrived at a clearing in the forest. There, he saw a beautiful flower with a note tied to its petal. The note read: "Welcome to the Garden of Dreams. It is a place where your dreams can come true."

Tom Rabbit was excited. He could finally see his dreams come true. But first, he had to find his way back home. He decided to write his dream on a piece of paper and tie it to a butterfly. Then, he could take it back to the Garden of Dreams and fulfill it there.

2. The Snowy Day

One day, the sun was out and the sky was blue. But suddenly, a snowstorm came and it started to snow hard. The children couldn't play outside because it was too dangerous. But then, their mother said, "Now it's time for the Snowy Day Party!"

The children were excited. They put on their coats and hats and went outside. They built a snowman, threw snowballs at each other, and even made a snow fort. The children had so much fun, and they couldn't wait to do it again next year.

3. The Cat in the Hat

One day, a cat named Hat came to visit the children in their house. The children were surprised because they had never seen a cat like Hat before. Hat had a long tail and wore a red bowtie. He also had a magic wand that could do anything he wanted.

The children were curious about Hat and wanted to know what he could do. Hat said, "I can teach you some magic tricks." Then he waved his wand and made a ball of fire appear in his hand. The children were amazed and wanted to learn more. Hat said, "You can come back tomorrow and learn more magic."

The children were excited and couldn't wait to come back the next day. But when they returned, Hat had disappeared. They were sad because they wanted to learn more magic from Hat. But then Hat came back and said, "I'm sorry I disappeared before you could learn more magic. But now you can start learning right away!"

4. The Sleeping Beauty in the Mirror

One day, a little girl named Ruby woke up and saw her reflection in the mirror. She thought she looked ptty good, but then she realized that she didn't know what her beauty looked like. So she decided to find out by going on a journey to see different places and people.

She went to visit some friends and saw that they were all beautiful too. She even met some famous singers and actors who were even more beautiful than she was. But then she realized that she was still not sure about her own beauty.

She went back home and found her reflection in the mirror again. This time she saw that she was beautiful because she had learned to appciate herself for who she was and not just for what other people thought of her. She realized that her beauty was not just about looks but also about being kind, compassionate, and giving back to others.


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